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College of Business & Social Sciences
Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration FAQ


What is the 四色AV code for the GMAT?
The 四色AV code for the GMAT is 6482.

What is the minimum GMAT score required?
The GMAT is no longer required for admissions. Please see admission requirements for details.听听

What is your average GMAT score?
The average GMAT score for our currently enrolled students is 500.

How long are GMAT scores valid?
GMAT scores are valid for 5 years.

Application Procedures

What are the deadlines for application?
Application and all supporting documentation should be received 30 days prior to registration.

What is the cost of the MBA program?
See the听.

What financial aid is available?
MBA students are only eligible for student loans and graduate assistantship/work study funds. Pell Grants are not available at Graduate level.听

Are there any Graduate Assistantships available?
The total number of assistantships is limited to 16. Applications usually exceed the number of spots available. Thus, the criteria used for selection is based on the graduate assistantship application and recommendation forms.听


Do I need work experience to apply?
Even though work experience is important to get the most out of the program, it is not required to be admitted into the MBA program.

Do I need an undergraduate degree in Business to apply?
You do not need to have an undergrad degree in business to apply.听

What are the prerequisites to be in the MBA program?
There are six undergraduate courses (or three graduate courses) listed as prerequisites for the MBA program. You can take these courses simultaneously with MBA courses. .

What is the minimum undergraduate GPA required?
The minimum required undergraduate GPA is 2.5. However, if GPA were lower, we also look at the last 60 hours completed towards the degree. For more details, please contact the MBA听Graduate Coordinator.


Where can I find a list of the courses offered in the program?
See the Graduate Course Catalog at听, select Graduate Catalog from the menu.

What is the average class size?
The average class size in the MBA program is 15 students.

What grades are required in the MBA program?
In order to stay in the MBA program, you must maintain a 3.0 GPA.

How many credits can I transfer into the MBA program?
For specific information, please contact the MBA听Graduate Coordinator.

Is there a time limit to complete the MBA?
The time limit to complete the program is six years; however, if necessary, an extension can be requested.听

I work full time; are classes offered at night?
All of our MBA classes are offered at least once a year either at 2:30 P.M., in the evening during the week or Saturday. 听

Student Life

Where do most of the students live?
Most of our MBA students live off campus. However, residential housing is also available to our grad students.

Where can I find more information about on-campus residency and meal plans?
See the 四色AV student page for more information听ulm.edu/ulmstudents.