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Counseling Loyola University, New Orleans, LA 1999 B.S., cum laude, Business Administration Xavier University, New Orleans, LA 1984 PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS National Certified Counselor National Board for Certified Counselors October, 2003 present Licensed Professional Counselor Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners, March, 2004-present Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners, June, 2005-present Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners, May, 2009-present Assessment Privilege Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners, Summer, 2013-present Certified School Counselor Louisiana Department of Education November, 2013-2019 Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor Association for Play Therapy 2019-present Practicing Telehealth Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor 2021-Present PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT Administrator/Owner August 2009-Present Private Practice Monroe, LA Clientele: children and adults Associate Professor/Tenured August 2010 to Present University of Louisiana Monroe Educational Leadership & Counseling Counseling Program Assistant Professor August 2004 to August 2010 University of Louisiana Monroe Educational Leadership & Counseling Counseling Program Clinical Director August 2004 to August 2011 Community Counseling Center University of Louisiana Monroe Program Director January 2008-December 2013 Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program School Counseling Program University of Louisiana Monroe August 2011-Present Adjunct Assistant Professor June 2004-July 2004 Educational Leadership, Counseling & Foundations University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 70148 Graduate Assistant August 2002 to May 2004 Dr. Barbara Herlihy University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 70148 Substance Abuse Counselor Aug. 2000 to Aug. 2002 Bridge House 1160 Camp Street New Orleans, LA 70130 Clientele: adults Counselor June 1997 to Aug. 2000 Family Service of Greater New Orleans 2515 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 Clientele: children and adults TEACHING EXPERIENCE As Faculty at ɫAV Group Counseling Intro to Counseling Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy Crisis Intervention Counseling Multicultural Counseling Abnormal Behavior (Diagnosis & Treatment) Assessment Human Growth and Development Career Counseling Current Topics in Substance Abuse Practicum Internship Psychological Consultation School Counseling Principles and Administration of School Counseling Programs Principles and Administration of Mental Health Counseling Programs Introduction to Marriage, Couples, & Family Counseling As a Teaching Assistant at UNO Counseling Techniques I (Fall 2001, Spring 2002)/ University of New Orleans Multicultural Counseling (Summer 2002) / University of New Orleans Community Counseling (Summer 2003, Fall 2003) / University of New Orleans Counseling Theories (Spring 2004) / University of New Orleans Supervision in Counseling (Spring 2004) / University of New Orleans Human Growth and Development (Summer, 2004) / University of New Orleans SUPERVISION EXPERIENCE Supervised masters-level counseling practicum and internship students specializing in college, community, and school counseling. Provided over 6000 hours of individual supervision and over 6000 hours of group supervision from August, 2001 to present, at the University of New Orleans and the University of Louisiana Monroe. Currently an LPC supervisor for counselor interns. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Counseling Association [Member] Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ) American School Counselors Association 2013-2020 Louisiana Counseling Association [Member] Louisiana Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Louisiana Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development Louisiana Mental Health Counseling Association HONORS AND AWARDS CenturyTel Service Award of Excellence 2007 Alpha Sigma Nu National Jesuit Honor Society Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society Ernest G. Chachere Doctoral Fellowship SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA University Curriculum Committee (Fall 2018 to present) College of Health and Sciences Award Committee (Fall 2019-2021) Ad Hoc Committee for Faculty Overload (Fall 2011) United Way Committee (2005-2007) United Way Departmental Representative (2008-2009) Students with Special Needs Committee (2004-2005) National Counselor Exam (NCE) University Coordinator (2005-2013, 2015 to present) Admissions committee (2004-present) Faculty Senator Elect (elected Spring, 2007) EEOC Subcommittee (Faculty Senate) Constitution and By-Laws Subcommittee (Faculty Senate, Fall 2008-Spring 2009) Faculty Welfare Committee (Faculty Senate, Fall 2009-Present) Counseling Graduate Student Organization Advisor (2007-present) Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society (Co-faculty Advisor) SERVICE TO THE DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Counseling Program Search Committee Member (Fall 2021-Spring 2022) SOAH school committee (Fall 2018-Spring 2019) Counseling Program Search Committee Chair (2016-2019) Hanna Spyker Endowed Chair Search Committee (Fall 2009- Spring 2010) McArthur Project Coordinator Search Committee (Summer 2009) Clinical Director, ɫAV Community Counseling Center-(August 2004-2011) National Counseling Exam (NCE) 2008-2013, 2015-current Campus Coordinator- Admissions Committee-review all applications for admittance into the counseling programs. Standardized Comprehensive Exam Coordinator (2008-2013, 2015 to present) Counseling Programs Director 2008-Fall 2013 CACREP Departmental Liaison-Fall 2009-Fall 2013 Co-faculty advisor for Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Honor Society-Spring 2008-Fall 2013, 2017-2018 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LPC Clinical Supervisor-2011 to present Mental Health Consultant 2018 to present Private practice (2009-present) specializing in womens issues-- eating disorders, addiction in women, developing self-esteem in adolescent girls, issues faced by professional women. Also works with adults and adolescents in areas of addictions, trauma, ADHD, depression, ADHD, anxiety, grief, violence, and severe mental illness. Co-facilitated Reminiscence Groups at the Bethany Nursing Home, New Orleans (Fall 2002) PRESENTATIONS AT ANNUAL NATIONAL AND REGIONAL MEETINGS Dupre, Y. A., & Meade, N. (2022). Fighting Endangerment: How gender, race and power affect African American female counselor educators. (Accepted for Presentation at SACES November 2022 Convention). Dupre, Y. A., & Meade, N. (2021). Fighting Endangerment: How gender, race and power affect African American female counselor educators. (Proposal submitted to SACES 2022 Convention). Dupre, Y. A., & Meade, N. (2021). Fighting Endangerment: How gender, race and power affect African American female counselor educators. (Proposal submitted to ACES 2022 Convention, not accepted). Dupre, Y. A., & Meade, N. (2020). Fighting Endangerment: How gender, race and power affect African American female counselor educators. (Virtual presentation at 2021 ACA Convention in Orlando, Florida). Dupre, Y.A., Cottingham, J., & Lewis, V. (2009). Racial/Ethnic differences in Self-Reported Prevalence of Binge Eating. Presented at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference held in San Antonio April 2-5, 2009. Cottingham, J., Dupre, Y. A., & Lewis, V., (2009). Generational Effects on GPAs of College Students. Presented at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference held in San Antonio April 2-5, 2009. Lewis, V., Dupre, Y.A., & Cottingham, J. (2009). Examination of Factors that Influence Racial Tolerance. Presented at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference held in San Antonio April 2-5, 2009 Remley, T., Bachus, S., Dupre, Y., Tanigoshi, H., Triplette, V., & Gibbs, C. (2003). HIPPA and other headaches for counselors. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Louisiana Counseling Association. Dupre, Y. A. (September, 2000). Conflict resolution and mediation. Bridge House, New Orleans, LA. Dupre, Y.A. (February, 2001). Relapse prevention. Training workshop for Bridge House staff, New Orleans, LA. Dupre, Y.A. (June, 2001). Anger Management and REBT. Training workshop for Bridge House clients New Orleans, LA. Dupre, Y. A. (2001). TFUAR (Thoughts, Feelings, Urges, Actions, and Reactions) in relapse prevention. Bridge House, Community Training workshop held at Bridge House open to the public, New Orleans, LA. Dupre, Y. A. (2003). Community Awareness in Counselor Education. Presentation made at University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS Dupre, Y. A. (Fall, 2019). Black Mothers and Fathers: Mapping a Course of Hope, Wisdom and Resilience in a Challenging Society. Community workshop open to public, Monroe, LA Dupre, Y. A. (Spring, 2019). The Art of Play Therapy. Community workshop open to mental health professionals, Monroe, LA Dupre, Y. A. (Spring, 2021). Counseling Moms to Strengthen the Family Dynamic. Virtual Community workshop open to mental health professionals, Monroe, LA Dupre, Y. A. (Summer, 2022). Counseling Diverse Families. Community workshop open to mental health professionals, Monroe, LA Dupre, Y. A. (Summer, 2022). Intimate Partner Violence: Assessment and Prevention. Community workshop open to mental health professionals, Monroe, LA Dupre, Y.A. (Fall, 2022). Crisis Intervention. Community workshop for mental health professionals Monroe, LA. SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: Local Organizations Homeless Coalition of Northeastern Louisiana 2009-2013 CARF accreditation consulting with local mental health agencies 2018-present. CURRENT RESEARCH Dupre, Y. A., & Mead, N. (2019). Fighting Endangerment: How gender, race and power affect African American female counselor educators (IRB ID: 1021-2020 through January 2023). Dupre, Y. A. (2020). The role of family addiction history in the development of binge eating disorder. Currently being conducted. PUBLICATIONS Dupre, Y.A., Lewis, V., & Cottingham, J. (2010). Racial differences in self-reported prevalence of binge eating. LAHPERD Journal, 73(2), 14-17. Dupre, Y.A. & Katie, Guthrie (2010). Binge eating disorder and obesity in African American women. Louisiana Journal of Counseling, 17, 6-12. Dupre, Y. A., & Mead, N. (2024). Fighting Endangerment: How gender, race and power affect African American female counselor educators (Article being written based on research study). TENURE REVIEWS Conducted a tenure review (2019) for Dr. Hsin-Ya of LSU Shreveport. PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL/ BOOK REVIEWS A bibliometrics of students related to broken homes and divorce. Universal Journal of Educational Research. (Peer Review Assignment 17637028) Spring 2024. The dual challenge: Balancing family and work life among doctors. Universal Journal of Educational Research. (Peer Review Assignment -17636118) Spring 2024. Counseling Assessment and Evaluation: Fundamentals of Applied Practice Joshua C. Watson and Brande Flamez (Selected Draft Chapters) Spring 2022 University labor market Transition: Impact of negative career thoughts on career adaptability. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Fall 2020. Individual and contextual predictors of career aspirations of Iranian high school students. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Fall 2020. The application of informal assessment of core competencies within vocational high schools. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Summer 2020. Effect of emotional intelligence on substance abuser in a de-addiction centre in a tertiary care hospital. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Summer 2020. Social studies teachers difficulties in assessing social skills. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Spring 2020. ProCAIM: The professional coordinator and academic advisor information management system. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Summer 2019 Defining counseling identity from a gender perspective: Role conflict and development. Professional Issues in Counseling (2010). Counseling supervision: Where is the manual for working with the millennial generation Professional Issues in Counseling (2011-2012). GRANTS: Health Resources &Services Administration (HRSA) Research Telehealth Grant applied for Summer, 2021 in the amount of $500,000. Not awarded. American Counseling Association (ACA) Research Grant awarded in Spring 2019 in the amount of $1500. Association of Counselor Educators & Supervisors (ACES) research grant awarded Summer 2019 in the amount of $500.     PAGE  PAGE 5 Dupre, Vita %&)01JKSVWv¾ºzsj^Y hC5hChC5CJaJhs S5CJaJ hmDhf hmDhYrhK`h0JB*phjhK`hU hK`hjhK`hUh Ch(7hYrhOhfh-<hp5CJaJhh5CJaJh(75CJaJhno@5CJaJhf5CJaJhmDhmD5CJaJ 1KWv, 9 : f ~     B C D gdC$&dPa$gd($a$gdC * + , 0 4 8 9 : L Y d f } ~      {{og{{huCJaJhZ0+hu5CJaJh[dCJaJhaCJaJh_SNCJaJh_SN5CJaJh5CJaJhCh0CJaJhHCJaJh< CJaJh0CJaJhCJaJh:CJaJhCCJaJhZ0+CJaJhChCCJaJhZ0+hC5CJaJ' . A B C D I h   \ ! 5 ^ p | 0 P m u v Žե՝Ս݅h;d:CJaJhzCJaJhfKCJaJh:CJaJhCJaJhhCJaJhQCJaJhp=CJaJh/VCJaJh?CJaJh7CJaJh-CJaJhCCJaJh-5CJaJhC5CJaJ1D \ ! v %$a$gdhgdCgdfKgd7gdh ^`gd-%  !"#$%ȽvmdYNNhx5>*CJaJh2 5>*CJaJh2 5CJaJhC5CJaJhhhh5CJaJhB[h-<CJ\aJh? 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