Archived News |
August 31, 2007
Ward participates in prestigious Artport 2007 exhibition
Three Twin Cities artists, including Robert Ward, a University of Louisiana
at Monroe professor of art, have been invited to participate in "UP," an
exhibition of northern Louisiana painting to be displayed at the Shreveport
Regional Airport for a minimum of one calendar year.
This exhibition is sponsored by the Board of Directors of Artport, the
Kalmbach Smith Meadows Advertising Agency, and the Shreveport Regional Arts
Council. For over 20 years this art consortium and the Shreveport Regional
Airport have partnered to mount a particular show, wherein all displayed art
adheres to a previously agreed upon theme. The UP exhibition endeavors to
explore artistic concepts of a post-Katrina return to relative prosperity in
Local artists invited to participate are Ward with a still life of clustered stepladders referencing an Irish limerick, Linda Ward with a surreal
figurative/landscape image of human figures emerging from a grouping of
birds nests, and Donna McGee with a highly abstracted landscape image
suggested by a Taoist poem. These three artists regularly exhibit together
with the Eye Twenty Group.
Over one hundred artists will participate in the Artport 2007 edition. A
gala reception will be held in their honor at the Shreveport Regional
Airport Thursday, Sept. 13 from 6 Â 9 p.m. This reception will consist of
catered refreshments, a live band and the distribution of a color coffee
table book commemorating the collaboration. In addition to the displayed 40" x 30" paintings, each artist created an approximation of his/her UP imagery
on a ceramic tile. These tiles, plus a number of celebrity-rendered tiles,
will be offered in silent auction at the reception, with proceeds going to
the Philadelphia Center.
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