Gilbert-Bell, Lawanna
Director OSPR
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-1039
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Hall, Brittany
Grants/Projects Developer
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-1487
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Jones, Jacqueline
Pre-Awards Grant Manager
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-1476
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Moore, Summer
Administrative Assistant 4
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-1039
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Naslund, Judith
Pre-Awards Grant Manager
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-1488
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Nguyen, Julie
Post Awards Grant Manager
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-3202
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Sutherlin, John
Chief Innov/Research Officer
Sponsored Programs & Research
Sponsored Programs and Research
(318) 342-1413
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