Full Curriculum Vita
Department of Psychology
University of Louisiana at
Monroe, LA 71209
Tel: 318-342-1345
Email: palmer@ulm.edu
in Psychology University of Georgia,
in Psychology University of Georgia,
in Zoology Clemson University,
Research/Scholarship Award, College of Education and
Human Development,
University of Louisiana at Monroe, 2011
Award, Psychology Dept., University of Louisiana at Monroe, 2011
Cambridge Who’s Who Among
Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Madison Who’s Who among
Executives, Professionals
Sabbatical (2000-2001): Visiting Professor at Willamette University, Salem,
Academic Keys Who's Who in Education (WWE)
Who in America, 55th Edition
Who in Science and Engineering Millennium Edition
Professor of the Year, Psychology Dept., Northeast Louisiana University, 2000
Professor of the Year, Psychology Dept., Northeast Louisiana University, 1999
of the Year, Psychology Dept., Northeast Louisiana University, 1995
of Georgia, Honorary Fellowship, 1988-89
Science Teacher of the Year Nominee, 1985
Cum Laude, Clemson University, 1974
Scholarship, Clemson University, 1970-74
University of Louisiana at Monroe, 1989 –
Monroe, LA
Psychology Graduate
Admissions & Assistantships Director: 2014 to present
Chair of Psychology Programs: 2012-2013
Director of Graduate Studies, College of Education and Human Development: 2008-2009
Full Professor of Psychology: 1998 to present
Associate Professor of Psychology: 1995-1998
Assistant Professor of Psychology: 1989-1995
Primary courses taught:
Neuropsychology (graduate), Physiological
Psychology, Positive Psychology, Health Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology,
Introductory Psychology.
Additional courses taught:
Developmental Psychology (lifespan and child),
History and Systems, Statistics, Abnormal Psychology, Child/Adolescent
Psychology, Current Issues in Substance Abuse Counseling, Directed Study
(graduate/undergraduate independent research).
New courses developed and
Advanced Topics in Psychology, Psychology of Success (Completed Spring
Semester 2018)
Neuropsychology (Completed Spring Semester 2013)
Psychopathology (Completed Spring Semester 2013)
Evolutionary Psychology (Completed Spring Semester 2012)
Positive Psychology (Completed Spring Semester 2011, first taught Fall Semester
History and Systems in Psychology (Completed Spring Semester 2011)
Physiological Psychology (Completed Fall Semester 2010, first taught Spring
Semester 2011)
Social Science Seminar: Origins of Human Behavior. (Spring Semester, 2010).
Psychology. Undergraduate psychology students are introduced to the concepts
and scientifically validated self-improvement techniques of Positive
Psychology. (added to curriculum in 2005)
Psychology. Undergraduate psychology students are given an overview of the
field of Evolutionary Psychology. (added to curriculum in 2002)
Seminar Course: Evolution of Brain and Behavior. A critical assessment of human
evolution and the ramifications for understanding human behavior.
Seminar Course: Origins of Human Behavior. An investigation of proximate and
ultimate causes of behavior in humans (Spring Semester, 1995).
Louisiana Tech University, 2002 – 2003
Ruston, Louisiana
Adjunct Professor, Psychology
Graduate Program: Taught neuropsychology.
Willamette University, 2000 - 2001
Visiting Professor of Psychology,
Psychology Department
Taught physiological psychology and
evolutionary psychology.
University of Georgia, 1985 – 1989
Instructor, Summer 1989: Taught Introductory Psychology.
Assistantship, 1988-1989: Honors Fellowship awarded to outstanding graduate
students to pursue original independent research. Investigated linguistic and
ontogenetic influences on concept formation in children (resulted in doctoral
Teaching Assistantship, 1987-1988: Instructor for Introductory Psychology,
Sensory Systems lab, and Behavior Analysis and Theory lab.
Research Assistantship, 1987: Investigation of social cognition in macaques
under direction of Dr. Irwin Bernstein.
Research Assistantship, 1985-1987: Investigation of the conceptual behavior of
squirrel monkeys under the direction of Dr. Roger K. Thomas, Department Head.
Athens Area Technical Institute, 1988 - 1989
Athens, Georgia
Psychology Instructor for nursing curriculum,
emphasizing practical application.
Yerkes Primate Research Center Field Station,
Emory University, 1987 - 1988
Research Specialist: Under direction of Dr. Irwin
Bernstein, investigated aggressive behavior in primates. Responsible for data
collection, preliminary statistical analysis, and report writing.
Camilla and Albany Jr. High Schools
and Albany, Georgia
Math and Science Teacher, 1983-1985
1. Investigation of the moral
foundations of human altruistic behavior and the assessment of altruism from
the perspective of evolutionary psychology.
2. Ongoing investigation of
effect of rearing experiences (ontogeny) on adult psychological traits such as
altruistic ideation and impulsivity. These variable ontogenetic outcomes are
viewed as evolved mechanisms designed to enhance reproductive fitness in
varying social environments.
3. Investigation of capacities
associated with lie detection and the effects of training on lie detection.
4. Review of literature
pertinent to evolutionary psychology for second book on this topic.
Encouraging Empathy (this is a proposed component of the ULL system proposal
entitled Statewide University Research Network for
Disaster Response and Recovery)
agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)
2018 (currently under review)
To be determined.
Title: Validating
the Accuracy of Self-Report Measures of Altruism Using a Real Commodity (2013-2014)
Granting agency: 四色AV Research Hub Mini-Grant Program
Date: 2013-2014
Amount: $900
Title: The Psi Chi
Distinguished Speaker Series (1999-2000)
Granting agency: NLU Alumni Association
Date: 1-08-99 thru 1-08-00
Amount: $400.00
Title: The Psi Chi
Distinguished Speaker Series (1998-1999)
Granting agency: NLU Alumni Association
Date: 1-08-98 thru 1-08-99
Amount: $1000
Title: Neurobiology, Human Behavior, and the
Law (1998)
Granting agency: Gruter Institute for
Law and Behavioral Research
Date: 6-17-98
Amount: $1600
Title: The Psi Chi Distinguished Speaker
Series (1997-1998)
Granting agency: NLU Alumni Association
Date: 1-08-97 thru 1-08-98
Amount: $500.00
Title: The Psi Chi Distinguished Speaker
Series (1996-1997)
Granting agency: NLU Alumni Association
Date: 1-08-96 thru 1-08-97
Amount: $300.00
Title: Biological Perspectives in the Social Sciences (1997)
Granting agency: Gruter Institute for Law and
Behavioral Research
Date: 8-02-97
Amount: $900
Title: The Effect of Blood Glucose on Declarative
Memory (1996-1997)
Granting agency: NLU Research Council
Date: 1-22-96 thru 4-22-97
Amount: $1802.00
Major Advisor
of the following theses:
Thorne, M. (2018). Effects
of Childhood Trauma on Inmate Rehabilitation.
Tackett, S. (2018). Differentiating Narcissism from the Dark Triad.
Johnston, C. (2017). Musical Mood Induction and its Effects on Analogical Reasoning.
Salameh, F. (2015). An
examination of the use of passive voice by men as a strategy to minimize
reports of sexual violence toward women.
Hale, L.
(2014). An Assessment
of the relationship between website and physical environment dependence based
on internet preference and usage.
Caramillo, E. (2013). Lie Detection: Innate Trait or Learned Skill.
T. (2009). Musical mood induction and
intended mood-recognition as a function of neuroticism.
Leffler, G.
(2006). The neurological manipulation of
aggressive tendencies in human participants.
Burnett, J. (2003). The
interaction of pupil size and contextual information of perceptions of
Wansapura, K. (2000). Facial symmetry and second/forth
digit ratios as predictors of male impulsive aggression.
Zeek, L. (1999). Personality
traits as predictors of athletic success.
Gupta, S. (1998). Fluctuating
asymmetry as a predictor of intelligence.
Chatham, K. (1997). An
experimental investigation of cross-cultural differences in archetypal memory.
Hargrove, T. (1997). VO2max
as a predictor of self-esteem, depression, and state anxiety.
Smith, M. (1997). Locus
of control as a predictor of attrition in drug rehabilitation.
Whaley, D. (1997). Factors
affecting attrition from an inpatient chemical dependency treatment program.
Bender, S. (1995). The
effect of glucose on declarative memory in humans.
Brown, N. (1995). Inmate
psychopathology as a function of incarceration time.
Gupta, R. (1995). A
comparison of state and trait anxiety in American, Chinese, and Indian graduate
Sparks, J. (1995). The
effect of classical music on concentration and arousal.
Thigpen, B. (1994). The
effects of structured exercise on the alleviation of anxiety in chemically
dependent patients.
Baggette, W. (1993). Narcissism
in detox clients.
Michiels, K. (1993). The
effects of a structured exercise program on depression in a chemically addicted
Wiggins, W. (1993). The
relationship between conformity and addictive behavior.
Breithaupt, R. (1992). An
experimental investigation of the impress method of reading remediation.
Committee Member on the following:
McNeil, L. (2010). Linguistic Analysis of Speech Samples of
Adults in the ADHD Spectrum.
Bordelon, C. (2008). Executive function and self-efficacy in
health-related behavioral choices in normal older adults.
Belinge, H. (2004). Gaze
perception in three macaque species.
Roden, A. (2000). The
role of perfectionism in task avoidance.
Long, P. (2000). Oppositional
disorder and substance abuse in professionals.
Thornburg, T. (1999). An
investigation of the super woman personality and eating disorders.
Watson, S. (1999). Repression
in substance abusing professionals.
Decelle, L. (1998). The relationship between anxiety,
psychopathology & problem drinking: A prospective study.
Craft, K. (1998). A
preliminary descriptive study of psychological characteristics of SSI
Pesnel. S. (1997). Comparison
of computerized and paper administered scores of the SS-77.
Odom, T. (1997). Psychological
traits in compulsive gamblers.
Deckert, S. (1997). Item
and scalar factor analyses of the SS-77.
Hutton, D. (1997). The
college student gambling inventory: Construction and validation.
Dement, T. (1997). A
detailed study of the effectiveness of a worksite wellness program as a
variable in reducing organizational stress.
Topel, W. (1996). The
effect of auditory stimulation on gambling arousal: A comparison study of
conditioned reinforcers in fruit-machine gambling.
Plair, S. (1996). First
intercourse and HIV knowledge: A comparison among male and female students.
Harwood, L. (1994). The
division of household labor: The perception of the children.
Bilton, L. (1992). A
normative study of the apperceptive personality test.
Harris, C. (1992). The
relationship between parental stress and cognitive development in urban versus
rural preschoolers.
Martin, R. (1992). The
effects of socio-economic status on parental stress in an urban population.
Akins, T. (1991). Conditioned
appetitive excitement in three species of large cats.
Major Advisor
Undergraduate Honors thesis:
Sampson, S. (2014). Putting altruistic claims to the test.
Selective Committees, present:
Member: University Graduate
Council 2014 to present
Member: B&SS
Tenure and Promotion Committee,
2014 to present
Business & Social Sciences Graduate Appeals Council 2014 to present
Member: 四色AV
Research Council for 2012 to present
Member: 四色AV
Electronic Learning Committee 2012 to
Chair of Behavioral Science position search committee 2012 to present
Coordinator: 四色AV Research
Symposium, CEHD 2009-2013, B&SS 2014 to present
University Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee 2008 to present
Committees, past:
Chair: Psychology Dept search committee 2012, 2014
University of Louisiana System Academic Summit Planning Committee 2012-2014
Member Dean's
Restructuring of 四色AV Review Committee 2013
Member: CEHD Curriculum
Committee 2010-2013
Member: CEHD Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2008-2013
Member: CEHD Policies & Procedures Committee 2008-2013
Member: CEHD
Graduate Appeals Council 2010-2013
Member: CEHD Building
Committee 2008-2013
Member CEHD Research HUB 2012
Member: University
Graduate Council 2009-2012
Representative: 四色AV Honors Council 2008-2012
Chair: CEHD
Faculty Awards and Development 2010
Chair: CEHD
Graduate Review Council 2008-2009
Senator: University Faculty Senate 2006-2008
representative on the 四色AV Honors Council 2008
Chair: CEHD
International Education Council Committee 2008
Chair: CEHD
Recruitment and Retention Committee 2008
subcommittee: University Handbook Revision
General Experimental Graduate Program
Advisor to Psi Chi: The National Honor Society in Psychology
Department of Psychology Tenure and Promotion Committee
Member: Tenure and Promotion Committee,
College of Education and Human Development
Member: Graduate Admissions Committee, College of Education and
Human Development
Member: Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum Committee
Member: Curriculum Committee on Introductory Psychology
Co-chair: Curriculum Committee on Developmental Psychology
Chair: Graduate Experimental Psychology Program
Member: Rooms and Equipment Committee
Psychology Department Representative: United Way
Psychology Department Representative: Athletic Recruitment
Advisor: Graduate thesis committees
Advisor: Undergraduate and graduate students
Co-chair: Undergraduate Subject Pool Development Committee,
Department of Psychology
Developmental Psychology Liaison Faculty: Occupational Therapy
Psychology Faculty Representative: Occupational Therapy
Department Accreditation
Presentations at University
Philosophy Symposium Series on Religion
and Science (2002): Palmer, J. A.
Invited address: “Origins of the Human Mind”
Sigma Xi, Scientific
Research Society (1998): Palmer, J. A.
Invited Address: “Origins of the Human
Honors Colloquium (1997):
Palmer, J. A., McCown, W.
“Sociopathy and Dysfunctional
Impulsivity as an Evolutional Adaptive Strategy:
Why Society Will Always Have ‘Bad
Guys’ (And What You Can Do About
Honors Colloquium (1996):
Palmer, J. A., McCown, W.
“Constraints on Choice: What Psychology
Can Tell Us About Why People Choose
Honors Colloquium (1995):
Palmer, J. A., McCown, W.
and Gambling: The Joys of Uncertainty”
Honors Colloquium (1994):
Palmer, J. A.
“Our Ever
Changing View of Human Origins: What Our Theories Tell Us About
Psychology Department
Colloquium (1992): Palmer, J. A.
“Factors Influencing Psychological Well-being”
Biology Department Colloquium (1992): Palmer, J.
“Proximate Cues in Alligator
Feeding Behavior”
Journal reviewer for Behavioral Sciences, from 2017 to
Judge: 四色AV Student
Research Symposium 2014
Book reviewer for Norton, from 2014 to present
Book reviewer for McGraw Hill, from 2004 to present
Book reviewer for Prentice Hall, from 2004 to present
Book reviewer for Allyn and Bacon, 2003 to present
Judge: Regional Social
Studies Fair, NLU/四色AV, 1990 to present
Judge: Regional Science and
Engineering Fair, NLU/四色AV, 1990 to present
Reviewer for Ammons Scientific, 2011.
Coordinator: Quiz Bowl (in conjunction with the 四色AV
Honors council), 2009
Invited participant/consultant to textbook development
symposium, McGraw-Hill Publishers, Atlanta, Georgia, 2008
Judge: Quiz Bowl (in conjunction with the 四色AV Honors
council), 2008
Invited participant, John Wiley & Sons, class
testing Visualizing Psychology, 2006
Invited participant to the Allyn and Bacon publishing focus group on psychology textbook development, New
Orleans, LA, 2006
Invited participant to the John Wiley Wiley & Sons Inc. focus group on
textbook development, New Orleans, LA, 2006
External reviewer, tenure
and promotion committee, Cleveland State University, College of Education and
Human Services, 2005
Invited commentator, George
Mason symposium on The Law and
Evolutionary Biology, 1998
Invited participant, Gruter
Institute conference on Neurobiology,
Human Behavior and the Law, Squaw Valley, 1998
Invited participant, Gruter Institute, Fifth Annual Faculty
Seminar, Biological Perspectives in the
Social Sciences, Dartmouth College, 1997
Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Session Chair, “Behavioral Ecology,”
Organizer: Psi Chi
Distinguished Speaker Series, NLU, 1995-99. Hosted speakers: 1995, Daniel
Povinelli, Ph.D.; 1996, Arris Cox, M.D.; 1997, Devendra Singh, Ph.D.; 1998,
Russell Gardner, M.D.; 1999, Delbert Thiessen, Ph.D.
Human Behavior and Evolution
Society Conference, Session Chair, “Mate Choice,” 1996
Moderator for NLU Honors
Program Quiz Bowl, 1996
Exhibit Consultant: Monroe
Children's Museum, 1995: Projects included (a) Scale Model of the Solar System
and (b) Lost Worlds of Louisiana
Scholastic Judge: Ouachita
Parish Junior Miss Program, 1995
Member, Scientific Rules
Committee, Louisiana III Science-Engineering Fair, 1994-1995
Member, Wellness Committee,
Northeast Louisiana University, 1993
Judge, Louisiana State
Science and Engineering Fair, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA,
Judge, State Social Studies
Fair, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1993-95
Session Chair, Southwestern
Psychological Association, 1992, 1997
Submissions Reviewer,
Southwestern Psychological Association, 1993, 1994
Member, Institutional Review
Board, Southern Oaks Addiction Recovery, Monroe, LA, 1991-1995
Consultant, Southern Oaks
Addiction Recovery, Monroe, LA, 1991-1995
Behaviour Society
Psychological Association
Psychological Society
Society of Primatologists
Psychological Association
Society for Comparative Psychology
Southwestern Comparative Psychological
International Society for Human Ethology
Human Behavior and Evolution Society
for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences
Genet, C., Palmer, J. A., Gibler, L., Palmer, K.,
& Genet, R. (2012). Science, Wisdom, and the Future: Humanity’s Quest
for a Flourishing Earth. San Francisco, CA: Collins Foundation Press.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (2002). Evolutionary
psychology: The ultimate origins of human behavior. Needham Heights, MA:
Allyn and Bacon.
Palmer, J. A., (2012). Power and restraint: The question
of human genetic engineering. . San Francisco, CA: Collins
Foundation Press.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (2012). The Wisdom
of Virtue: A Scientific Exploration of Honesty, Humility, and Love . San Francisco, CA: Collins Foundation Press.
Palmer, J. A. (2012). Positive Psychology: Promise of
a New Perspective. . San Francisco, CA: Collins Foundation Press.
Palmer, J. A. (2012). Vision for the Future: The
Wisdom of a Plant-Based Diet for Humans. . San Francisco, CA: Collins Foundation Press.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (2009). Transcending cultural
indoctrination: Separating the wheat from the chaff. In Evolutionary Epic:
Science’s Story and Humanity’s Response. San Francisco, CA: Collins
Foundation Press.
Palmer, J. A., Hale, L, and Bunker, B. (2015). The Dominant Role of Kinship in Human
Altruistic Behavior. Manuscript in preparation.
Hill, W. T., & Palmer, J. A. (2014). Affective
responses to music without recognition: Beyond the cognitivist hypothesis. The
New School Psychology Bulletin, 11, 1.
Hill, W. T. and Palmer, J. A., (2010). Affective
Response to a Set of New Musical Stimuli. Psychological Reports, 106, 2, 581-588.
Palmer, J. A., & McCown, W. (1999). The law and
bioeconomics of ethic cooperation and conflict in plural societies of southeast
Asia: A theory of Chinese merchant success: Comment. Journal of Bioeconomics
(JBIO), Vol. 1:3, 285-88.
Palmer, J. A. (1998).
Defining the EEA (Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness). ASCAP
Newsletter, 11(4), 4-6.
Palmer, J. A. (1997).
Research briefs. Res Scholaris, 3(24), 32.
Palmer, J. A., Palmer, L. K., Michiels, K., &
Thigpen, B. (1995). Effects of type of exercise on depression in recovering
substance abusers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 80, 523-530.
Palmer, J. A., Williamson, D., Palmer, L. K.,
Michiels, K., & Thigpen, B. (1995). Childhood abuse as a factor in attrition
from drug rehabilitation. Psychological Reports, 76, 879-882.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (1994). Light
mediation of circadian predatory behavior in the young alligator. International
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 7(1), 27-37.
Palmer, J. A. (2015, April). The Dominant Role of Kinship in Human Altruistic Behavior. Invited
symposium address at the meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology,
New Orleans, LA.
Caramillo, E., Palmer, J. A.
& Chappetta, K. (2012, June). A Comparison of Wason Selection
Reasoning in Social and Non-Social Contextual Domains.
Poster session presented
at the meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society,
Albuquerque, NM.
Hale, L., & Palmer, J. A. (2012, June). Costly Signaling and
Altruistic Behavior. Poster session
presented at the meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution
Society, Albuquerque, NM.
Holtzclaw, B., Hill, W. T., Carlson, C., Ilaoa, S.,
Decote, K., & Palmer, J. A. (2010, May). Adaptive Threat Discrimination: Assessing the Medium and the Message.
Poster session presented at the meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution
Society, Eugene, OR.
Palmer, J. A. (2010, May). The Perils of Human
Genetic Engineering: Why Conscious Gene Selection Is a Bad Idea. Poster
session presented at the meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society,
Eugene, OR.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (2009, June). Power
and restraint: The question of human genetic engineering. Paper presented at the
meeting of , San Luis Obispo, CA.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (2008, January). Transcending cultural
indoctrination: Separating the wheat from the chaff. Paper presented at the
meeting of Evolutionary Epic, Honolulu, HI.
Palmer, J. A., & Palmer, L. K. (2007,
May). The canary in the coalmine: Does high stress vulnerability have
adaptive value? Poster session presented at the meeting of Human Behavior
and Evolution Society, Williamsburg, VA.
Leffler, G., and Palmer, J. (2006, October). The
neurological manipulation of psychoticism. Poster session presented at the
meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio, TX . (Note:
This paper received honorable mention from the National Academy of
Neuropsychology for Best Student Research.)
Palmer, J. A., Meenakshi, P., Mangala, P., &
McCown, W. (2005, June). Variation in cognitive abilities among Hindu castes.
Paper presented at the meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society,
Austin, TX.
Meenakshi, P., & Palmer, J. A. (2005, June). The
conceptual basis of emotional responding. Poster session presented at the
meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Austin, TX.
Palmer, J. A.,
& Burnett, J. (2003, June). Deciphering
the signal value of pupillary responses.
Paper presented at the meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society,
Lincoln, NE.
Palmer, J. A., Abraham, F., McCown, W., & Young,
T. (2002). Complexity theory and conflict analysis: Applications to personal
belief and responses to 9/11. Paper presented at the 12th Annual
International Conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology &
Life Sciences, Portland, OR.
Palmer, J. A., McCown, W.,
Carlson, G., & Chamberlain, L. (2002). Is complexity in humans a viable
concept in psychopathology research? Paper presented at the 12th
Annual International Conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology
& Life Sciences, Portland, OR.
McCown, W., Chamberlain, L.,
Palmer, J. A. & Zimmerman, K.(2002). Addiction
as a dysfunctional fitness landscape. Paper
presented at the 12th Annual International Conference of the Society
for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Portland, OR.
McCown, W., Chamberlain, L.,
Palmer, J. A., & Zimmerman, K. (2002). Novel treatments for traumatic stress and addiction: Implications of
Skarda and Freeman’s theories of limbic storage tested after 9/11 stress. Paper presented at the 12th Annual
International Conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology &
Life Sciences, Portland, OR.
Newberg, A.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2001). “Science and
Meditation.” In Maalouf, E. (Producer) Soultalk. North American
Broadcasting Company, Inc. Renaissance Radio KFNX 1100 AM Phoenix, AZ; WALE 990
AM Providence, RI.
Palmer, J. A., McCown, W., & Thornburg, T. (1998).
Ontogenetic priming for social hierarchical functioning. Paper presented
at the meeting of the International Society for Human Ethology, Burnaby,
British Columbia, Canada.
Palmer, J. A., & Chatham, K. (1998). Archetypes
revisited: Cross-cultural differences in archetypal memory. Paper presented
at the meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Davis, CA.
McCown, W., Palmer, J. A., & Thornburg, T. (1998).
Impulsivity as an evolved conditional strategy. Paper presented at the
meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Davis, CA.
Palmer, J. A., McCown, W., & Kerby, D. (1997). The
adaptive significance of “dysfunctional” impulsivity. Paper
presented at meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Tucson, AR.
Palmer, J. A. (1991). Predation in the young
alligator. Paper presented at the Animal Behavior Society, Wilmington, NC.
Palmer, J. A., & Thomas, R. K. (1988, June). Natural
concepts in the squirrel monkey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the American Society of Primatologists, New Orleans, LA.
Palmer, J. A. (1987, June). A natural concept in
the squirrel monkey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Animal
Behavior Society, Williamstown, MA.
Tackett, S. P., & Palmer, J. A. (2018, April). The
Relationship Between The Dark Triad and
Behavior. Poster presented at
Southwestern Psychological Association.
Tackett, S., & Palmer, J. A. (2018, April). Differentiating Narcissism from the Dark
Triad Oral presentation given at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium,
Monroe, LA. (Received the 2018 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Bhattarai, A., & Palmer, J. A. (2018, April) Effects of Media Priming on Prosocial Behavior Poster presented at the
四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2018 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place
Allen, R., & Palmer, J. A. (2018, April) Effects of Media Priming on Personality
presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received
the 2018 四色AV Undergraduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Thorne, M., & Palmer, J. A. (2018, April). Effects
of Gender on Rating Culpability and
Punishment for Crime. Poster presented
at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological
Association conference, Houston, TX.
Johnston, C., & Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). Musical
Mood Induction and its Effects on Analogical Reasoning. Oral presentation given at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2017 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium
1st Place Prize.)
Tackett, S., & Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). The
Good, the Bad, and the Narcissistic: An Examination of How the Dark Triad
Constructs Relate to Prosocial Behavior. Poster presented at the 四色AV
Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2017 四色AV Graduate
Research Symposium 1st Place
Thorne, M., & Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). Gender Differences in Rating Culpability and
Punishment for Crime. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research
Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2017 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 2nd
Place Prize.)
Perkins, S.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). Racial
Differences in the Perception of Culpability and Punishment for Criminal
Actions .Poster presented at the 四色AV
Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2017 四色AV Graduate
Research Symposium 3rd Place Prize.)
Fussell, C., & Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). An
Investigation into the Preference of Narcissists in Relation to Mate Selection
and Friendship. Poster presented at
the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Paneru, M., & Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). The Relationship between Empathy and
Emotionality between Sexes. Oral
presentation given at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
(Received the 2017 四色AV Undergraduate Research Symposium 1st Place
R., & Palmer, J. A. (2017, April). The Relationship between ACT Scores,
Machiavellianism and Openness to Experience. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research
Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2017 四色AV Undergraduate Research Symposium
1st Place Prize.)
C. , & Palmer, J.
A. (2016, March). The Critical Role of Motivation in Assigning Culpability
and Punishment for Criminal Actions. Oral presentation given at
the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2016 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Perkins, S.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2016, March). Racial Differences in the Perception of Culpability
for Criminal Actions. Poster
presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received
the 2016 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Karki, R.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2016, March). Affective
Empathy Is a Better Predictor of Judicial Decisions than Cognitive Empathy.
Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
(Received the 2016 四色AV Undergraduate Research Symposium 2nd Place Prize.)
Salameh, F., & Palmer, J. A. (2015, March).
Factors that predict objectively measured altruistic behavior. Oral
presentation given at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2015 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Steward, R., & Palmer, J. A. (2015, March). The Familial Origins of Conservative Traits
and Moral Values. Poster presented
at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Travis, O., & Palmer, J. A. (2015, March).
Self-reported religiosity as a predictor of altruism and empathy. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. . (Received the 2015 四色AV
Undergraduate Research Symposium 3rd Place Prize.)
Harris, B., &
Palmer, J. A. (2015, March). Music preferences as a predictor of altruism
and empathy. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium,
Monroe, LA. (Received
the 2015 四色AV Undergraduate Research Symposium 2nd Place Prize.)
Oliveau, H., &
Palmer, J. A. (2015, March). The influence of parents and family on moral
reasoning and personality development. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Williams, C., &
Palmer, J. A. (2015, March). Gaming as an antidepressant: The role of
winning and perceptions of self-efficacy.
Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium,
Monroe, LA.
Saterfiel, K. & Palmer, J. A. (2015, March). A
personality profile of recovering alcoholics. Oral presentation given at
the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2015 四色AV
Undergraduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Bangalore, V., Hale, L., & Palmer, J. A. (2014,
April). Role of Ethnicity and Gender in
the Prevalence of Various Measures of Altruism. Poster presented at the
for Psychology Students, University of Central Arkansas,
Conway, Arkansas.
Palmer, J. A. (2014, March). Validating the Accuracy of Self-Report Measures of Altruism Using a
Real Commodity. Talk presented at Food 4 Thought, 四色AV college of Business
& Social Science, 124 Hemphill Hall Monroe, LA. .
Hall, M., & Palmer, J. A. (2014, February). Religiosity as a Predictor of Altruistic
Belief and Action. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2014 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Bangalore, V., Hale, L., & Palmer, J. A. (2014,
February). An Examination of the
Relationship between Altruism and Demographic Variables. Poster presented
at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2014 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 3rd Place
Caramillo, E. & Palmer, J. A. (2013, February). Reexamining the Effects of Context on Reasoning in Wason
Selection Tasks. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research
Monroe, LA. (Received
the 2013 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Caramillo, E. & Palmer, J. A. (2013, February). The Effects of Brief Training on Lie
DetectionAccuracy . Oral presentation given at the 四色AV Student Research
Monroe, LA. (Received
the 2013 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 2ndPlace Prize.)
Hale, L., & Palmer, J. A. (2013, February). The Adaptive Basis of Human Altruistic Behavior.
Poster presented at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Ting, R., Bunker, B. & Palmer, J. A. (2013,
February). The Moral Foundations of Human
Altruistic Behavior. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe,
Smith, A., & Palmer, J. A. (2012, April). A Comparison of Wason Selection Task
Reasoning in Social and Non-Social Contextual Domains. Oral Paper session
at the University of Louisiana System Academic Summit, McNeese State
University, Lake
Charles, LA.
Hale, L., & Palmer, J. A. (2012, April). Costly Signaling and Moral
Behavior. Poster session presented
at the University of Louisiana System Academic Summit, McNeese State
Lake Charles, LA.
Caramillo, E., Chappetta, K, & Palmer, J. A.
(2012, April). The Effects of Context on Reasoning in Wason
Selection Tasks. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium,
LA. (Received
the 2012 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Smith, A., & Palmer, J. A. (2012, April). A Comparison of Wason Selection Task
Reasoning in Three Domains. Oral Paper session presented at the 四色AV Student
Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Hale, L., & Palmer, J. A. (2012, April). Altruistic and Religious Beliefs as Related
to Costly Signaling. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Holtzclaw, B., Carlson, C., Ilaoa, S.,
Decote, K., & Palmer, J. A. (20010, April). Stimulus Valence in Discrimination Learning Poster presented at
the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe,
Hill, W. T., & Palmer,
J. A. (2009, April). Musical mood
induction and intended-mood recognition as a function of neuroticism.
Poster presented at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Armstrong, S.; Chambers, H.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2009, April). Evaluating a Self-report Measure of ADHD via
Performance Tasks. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Butts, S., Smith, E., &
Palmer, J. A. (2008, April). Coloring perception: How blonde/brunette,
genuine/artificial hair color influences trait assessment. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2008 四色AV Student
Research Symposium 1st Place Prize for undergraduate competition.)
Hill, W. T., & Palmer,
J. A. (2008, April). The sound of music: The emotional implications of a set
of musical stimuli. Poster presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium,
Monroe, LA. (Received the 2008 四色AV Student
Research Symposium 2nd Place Prize for graduate competition.)
Bordelon, C., Hebert, N., & Palmer, J. A. (2007).
High neuroticism predicts elevated psychoticism in response to stress.
Paper presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2007 四色AV Student
Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Leffler, G., & Palmer, J. A. (2006). Effect of
non-invasive neurological manipulation on psychoticism scores. Paper
presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2006 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Palmer, J. A. (2006).
The effect of contextual priming on attractiveness evaluations.
Talk presented to the faculty and students of the University of Tampa in Tampa,
Meenakshi, P., & Palmer, J.
A. (2005). Prototypical elicitors of
emotions. Paper presented at the 四色AV
Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Meenakshi, P., & Palmer, J.
A. (2005). An examination of the
behavioral differences in Hindu castes.
Paper presented at the 四色AV Student Research Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2005 四色AV
Graduate Research Symposium 2nd Place Prize.)
Magee, B., & Palmer, J. A. (2005). What men and
women think about the thinking of men and women: Why are they correct about
some things and wrong about others. Paper presented at the 四色AV Student
Research Symposium, Monroe, LA.
Burnett, J.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2003). Pupillary
diameter, gender, and context effects.
Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Burnett, J.,
& Palmer, J. A. (2003). Pupillary
diameter and attractiveness as a function of social status. Paper presented at the 四色AV Student Research
Symposium, Monroe, LA. (Received the 2003 四色AV Graduate Research Symposium 1st Place Prize.)
Hargrove, T., & Palmer, J. A. (1998). The
correlation between physical fitneess and anxiety, depression, and self-esteem.
Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Palmer, J. A., & Diep, A., (1997). Perceived
body image as a predictor of narcissism and depression. Paper presented at
the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Ft. Worth, TX.
Palmer, J. A., Palmer, L. K., & Chatham, K.
(1997). Plasma glucose manipulation and declarative memory retrieval in
humans. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological
Association, Ft. Worth, TX.
DeMent, T. E., Bonner, M., McCown, W., Williamson, J.,
& Palmer, J. A. (1997). The effect of a worksite wellness program on
stress reduction. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Ft. Worth, TX
Palmer, J. A.,
Palmer, L. K., & La Croix, A. (1996). The effects of blood glucose, dietary fat, and state anxiety on
declarative memory in humans.
Presented at the meeting of the Louisiana Psychological Association, New Orleans,
Palmer, J. A., Payton, A. L., & Harper, V. (1996).
Plasma glucose manipulation and declarative memory function in humans.
Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association,
Houston, TX.
Palmer, J. A., Hargrove, T., Diep, A., & Victory,
K., (1996). Perceived body image as a predictor of anxiety and self-esteem.
Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association,
Houston, TX.
Palmer, J. A. (1996). Physiological factors
influencing declarative memory function in humans. Presented at the meeting
of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Nashville, TN.
Palmer, J. A. (Interviewed). (1995, September). Gambling
addiction [Television news special report]. Monroe, LA: KNOE
Television/Channel 8.
Palmer, J. A., Bender, S. D., Wade, B. C., &
Elliott K. K. (1995). Dietary predictors of sucrose enhanced 24-h memory
performance in humans. Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern
Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Palmer, J. A., Keith, K., &
Palmer, L. K. (1994). The effect of
aerobic training on the perception of PMS pain. Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK.
Palmer, J. A., Palmer, L. K.,
Michiels, K., & Thigpen, B. (1994). The
psychological impact of exercise on recovering substance abusers. Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK.
Palmer, J. A., Palmer, L. K.,
Michiels, K., & Thigpen, B. (1994). Psychological
profiles of the chemically dependent.
Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Tulsa,
Michiels, K., Palmer, J. A.,
Goodwyn, M., & Minder, C. (1994). The
effects of structured exercise on depression in the chemically addicted. Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK.
Michiels, K., Palmer, J. A.,
Goodwyn, M., & Minder, C. (1994). Changes
in perceived efficacy in recovering addicts. Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological
Association, Tulsa, OK.
Palmer, J. A. (Interviewed). (1993, September). The
light beyond [Television documentary produced by Bryan Henry]. Monroe, LA:
KNOE Television/Channel 8.
Palmer, J. A., Palmer, L. K., Hawkins, L., &
Keith, K. (1993, April). The impact of aerobic training on self-esteem in
women. Presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological
Association, Corpus Christi, TX.
Palmer, J. A., Palmer, L. K.,
& Keith, K. (1993, April). The
effects of aerobic training on Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression
(CES-D) scores. Presented at the
meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Corpus Christi, TX.
Palmer, J. A. (1992, April). Factors associated
with psychological well-being in Homo sapiens. Paper presented at
Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin, TX.
Palmer, J. A. (1992, April). Proximate influences
in the feeding behavior of the alligator. Paper presented at Southwestern
Psychological Association, Austin, TX.
Palmer, J. A. (1992, April). Social support as a
predictor of health habits and depression.
Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin, TX.
Breithaupt, R., Palmer, J. A., Baker, E. H., &
Miller, H. (1992). An experimental investigation of the impress method of
reading remediation. Paper presented at the Northeast Louisiana University
Annual Summer Reading Conference, Monroe, LA.
Palmer, J. A. (1991). Circadian variance in
alligator predation. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Palmer, J. A. (1991). The influence of logical and
illogical attributes on category formation. Paper presented at the
Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Palmer, J. A. (1990). Concept formation in human
children and nonhuman primates. Paper presented at the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
Palmer, J. A. (1990). The proximate and ontogenetic
influences on category formation. Paper presented at the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
Palmer, J. A. (1987, April). A natural concept in
the squirrel monkey. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual UGA Convention
for the Behavioral Sciences, Athens, GA.
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