Published Oct. 24, 2019
“We Are 1” is the theme of Homecoming Week 2019, Monday, Oct. 28-Saturday, Nov. 2,
at the University of Louisiana Monroe. Sponsored by the Campus Activities Board, it’s
a week of activities for students, alumni and the public.
The Homecoming game kickoff is at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2 when the Warhawks take
on the visiting Arkansas State Red Wolves. The time was changed because the game will
be televised on ESPNU.
PHOTO: Hot air balloon rides for students are part of Homecoming Week, Oct. 28-Nov. 2 at
the University of Louisiana Monroe. The week of activities leads up to the Homecoming
game where the Warhawks play Arkansas State at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2 in Malone
Emerald McIntyre/ɫAV Photo Services
Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Grove, the 2019 Homecoming Court will be introduced
and the king and queen announced.
The court includes: senior maids, Logan Eagen, Caroline Edge, Baylee Waldrop; senior
beaus, Hunter Henson, Hollis Walker, Gavin Williams; junior maids, Olivia Bailey,
Lauren Nguyen; junior beaus, Marcus Ehle, Taylor LeBlanc; sophomore maids, Natalie
Lebas, Victoria Sterling; sophomore beaus, Creek Baham, Bryce Lovelady; freshmen maids,
Heather Nguyen, Sara Ross; and freshmen beaus, Brock Crain, Tony Velasquez.
The Homecoming Parade, sponsored by Student Life and Leadership, is Saturday starting
at 12:15 p.m. in the Grove.
Several special events are scheduled during Homecoming Week. Follow the links or call
for more information: ɫAV Alumni Association,, 318-3442-5420,; College of Pharmacy,,, 318-342-3800; and the College of Business and Social Sciences2019 Symposium,“Symposium Schedule,” 318-342-1100.
The School of Visual and Performing Arts hosts theHigh School Marching Band Festivalon Tuesday, Oct. 29 in Malone Stadium. At 3:30 p.m. the public is invited to watch
nine halftime performances plus an appearance by The Sound of Today Marching Band.
Admission is $5. VAPA presents the music-dramas “The Medium” and “Amelia Goes to the
Ball” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30-31 and Nov. 1-2 in Spyker Theatre. Call the box office
for ticket information, 318-342-1414.
Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. at The Terrace (seventh floor of the library) is the
Compete LA reception and check presentation from Regions Bank for a $40,000 scholarship
for Compete LA Business students. The community and Warhawk family are invited to
Below is the schedule for ɫAV Homecoming Week 2019. For more information, visit, and on Twitter.
“We are 1” ɫAV Homecoming Week 2019
- Monday, Oct. 28:8 a.m., donut handout, Scott Plaza, Global Ambassadors; 11 a.m., free lunch social,
Bayou Park, CAB; 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Southern Exposure selfie booth, Bayou Park, CAB;
11 a.m.- 3 p.m., inflatable sports and soccer darts, Bayou Park, CAB; 11 a.m., CAB
giveaway, Bayou Park, CAB; 5:30 p.m., Homecoming pep rally, Student Grove Stage, Student
Life and Leadership; 8-10 p.m., silent disco, The Hangar, CAB.
- Tuesday, Oct. 29:11 a.m., free lunch social, Bayou Park, SGA; 11 a.m., SGA giveaway, Bayou Park, SGA;
11 a.m.-1 p.m., voter registration, SUB Overhang, Femhawks, College Democrats, and
NAACP; 11 a.m.-2 p.m., inflatable obstacle course, Bayou Park, SGA; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.,
inflatable axe throwing, Bayou Park, SGA; 11:30 a.m., ɫAV Retirees Luncheon, Bayou
Pointe Event Center, Alumni Association (to RSVP, call 318-342-5429); 5-6 p.m., College
of Business and Social Sciences 2019 Symposium, Hemphill 134, speaker Alton Clay,
ɫAV alumni and Olympic hopeful; 6 p.m., Miss(ter) Arkansas State pageant, The Hangar,
- Wednesday, Oct. 30:11 a.m., free lunch social, Bayou Park, 31 Ambassadors; 11 a.m., giveaway, Bayou
Park, 31 Ambassadors; 11 a.m.-3 p.m., caricatures, Bayou Park, CAB; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.,
zipline, Bayou Park, CAB; 2-4 p.m., pumpkin painting contest, SUB Overhang, Lambda
Society; 5:30 p.m., University Mile, Hemphill Hall, Recreational Services; 6-7 p.m.,
2019 Symposium, SUB A, CBSS; 9 p.m., Halloween Ball, Bayou Pointe, SGA.
- Thursday, Oct. 31:8:30-10:45 a.m., 2019 Symposium, SUB, CBSS; 9 a.m., donut handout, Scott Plaza, CAB;
11 a.m., giveaway, Bayou Park, CAB; 11 a.m., free lunch social, Bayou Park, Chi Alpha;
12:30 p.m. Tauzin Scholarship press conference, SUB A; 3-7 p.m., hot air balloon rides,
Bayou Park, CAB; 4-7 p.m., Trunk or Treat, Malone Stadium, Student Life and Leadership;
7-9 p.m., Disney movie night, Thrive Ministry Building, Thrive Campus Ministry.
- Friday, Nov. 1:8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m., RMI Alumni Day, SUB A, CBSS; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fall PharmD Career
Fair, 1800 Bienville Dr. COP; 5:30 p.m., Greek unity step show, Student Grove Stage,
Greek Life.
- Saturday, Nov. 2:10 a.m., Alumni Awards Brunch, Bayou Pointe Event Center, Alumni Association; Noon.-3
p.m., BBQ cookoff, Student Grove, CAB; 12:15 p.m., Homecoming parade, Grove, Student
Life and Leadership; 2:30 p.m., ɫAV vs. Arkansas State, Malone Stadium, ɫAV Football.