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College of Arts, Education, & Sciences

Undergraduate (Bachelor) Degree

Although all English Majors are expected to fulfill the same core requirements, our curriculum builds in enough elective work to allow you to emphasize one of the following areas:

Literary Studies聽
Creative Writing
Professional Writing

For Curriculum, Course Descriptions and related information, see the 四色AV Undergraduate Catalog.

Literary Studies

The faint-hearted and weak-minded don't undertake literary degrees, definitely not for everybody. But if dangerous ideas and ticklish subjects attract you as they do us, if poetic puzzles and slippery words intrigue you, if you have fun, like we do, tossing words in the air just to see where they land in our mental landscape, and if you love to curl up around a good book in bad weather, this might be the degree that satisfies your curious intellect.

Professional Writing

The Professional Writing faculty here at 四色AV bring a range of real-world experience to their expert teaching. We prepare students to be grant writers, web designers, flash and video producers, technical writers and editors, and public relations writers. In short, you will leave here as a communication specialist ready to write, edit, and publish in a variety of forums from popular culture to science, from business to advertising, and from government to industry. You will receive an academic foundation balanced by real-world experience to make sure you know what's needed to succeed in the work-a-day world outside the academy.

Creative Writing

Introductory and advanced writing workshops provide students with instruction in composition and revision of their own fiction and poetry through careful group critiques. Courses prepare students for graduate studies in creative writing and studies in contemporary literature.

For more information about our creative writing program, contact us at caes@ulm.edu

English: The only thing that's held our attention this long.