Now accepting for Fall 2025.
Walker Hall 3-87听
(318 342-1523
Open Mon-Thurs 8-5 Fri 8-12
Walk-ins are welcome, but to ensure tutor availability, we strongly encourage you to set up an appointment using your 四色AV login here:
Contact: Dr. Josh Chase (
The Write Place is an informal and comfortable space where writers can talk about their writing concerns with tutors who are willing to listen, share, and respond. The goal of these tutorial writing conversations is not necessarily to perfect a given paper so much as it is to help students learn about their own processes as they work through the writing assigned in their classes. People who use The Write Place on a regular basis tend to develop a heightened awareness of their process, discover a variety of strategies for working through papers, and thus develop stronger pieces of writing.
Our mission:
In addition, The Write Place continuously attempts to overcome the stereotype that this is a place where only remedial students come for help. We serve all levels of writers, from beginners to experts. We view writing here as an ongoing process and we help students at every point of that process, from understanding readings and interpreting assignments to brainstorming, organizing, drafting, and editing. Overall, we want to help students understand their own writing processes and not just "fix"a particular problem. We believe that students can accomplish and learn much more if they attend regularly to work on on-going concerns rather than just coming for one or two visits to work on short-term problems.
Please contact your professor for information about The Write Place and/or other available resources.